Scottish Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme – October Virtual Meetings Report
During the Covid-19 restrictions, our Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meetings have switched from the face to face monthly meetings to fortnightly meetings, lasting two hours via Zoom.
The first meeting to take place in October focused on search engine optimisation (SEO) and being seen on the web with Lesley Wood from LMW Consulting.
October’s second meeting focused on sharing information about suppliers from different areas of an agritourism business and rating them. The meeting was an
informal discussion between attendees, who exchanged information on costs/rates and systems they have in place. This was a closed, confidential meeting however some general take home
messages are detailed in the report below.
Click here to access October’s report which includes a link to the full presentation from the meeting on October 8th which focused on SEO with Lesley Wood.