

Scottish Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme – October Virtual Meetings Report

During the Covid-19 restrictions, our Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meetings have switched from the face to face monthly meetings to fortnightly meetings, lasting two hours via Zoom.The first meeting to take place in October focused on search engine optimisation (SEO) and being seen on the web with Lesley Wood from LMW Consulting.October's second meeting focused on sharing information about suppliers from different areas of an agritourism business and rating them. The meeting was an informal discussion between attendees, who exchanged information on costs/rates and systems they have in place. This was a closed, confidential meeting however some general take home messages are detailed in the report below.Click here to access October's report which includes a link to the full presentation from the meeting on October 8th which focused on SEO with...

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Scottish Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme – September Virtual Meetings Report

During the Covid-19 restrictions, our Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meetings have switched from the face to face monthly meetings to fortnightly meetings, lasting two hours via Zoom.The first meeting to take place in September focused on making money from farm tours.  The meeting discussed key areas that businesses should research, review and analysis in order to make the most of farm tours including;- Setting the right price for tours - How to adapt your business/personal life to ensure you are offering tours at suitable times (e.g. weekends, after school etc.) - Top tips to ensure your farm tour offering features high on Google listings.The second meeting on 24th September focused on customer data bases, loyalty schemes, e-news & GDPR.Click here to access September's report which includes links to the full presentations from both...

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Scottish Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme – August Virtual Meetings Report

During the Covid-19 restrictions, our Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meetings have switched from the face to face monthly meetings to fortnightly meetings, lasting two hours via Zoom.Thanks to digital technology, we were joined by Carly Bussenchutt, an Australian farmer and agritourism business owner for this business health check meeting on the 13th August. Carly shared a very moving and inspiring story about resilience and putting Covid-19 into perspective, having come through a much worse experience with the bush fires.  The second meeting to take place in August focused on gift vouchers and Christmas promotions.Click here to access August's report which includes links to the full presentations from both meetings....

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Scottish Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme – July Virtual Meetings Report

During the Covid-19 restrictions, our Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meetings have switched from the face to face monthly meetings to fortnightly meetings, lasting two hours via Zoom.Each month a report will be issued highlighting some of the key points and resources from the monthly meetings. Two meetings were held in July which focused on looking at the roles within your own business and measuring the digital marketing impact.Click here to access July's report which includes links to the full presentations from both meetings....

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Scottish Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme – June Virtual Meetings Report

During the Covid-19 restrictions, our Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meetings have switched from the face to face monthly meetings to fortnightly meetings, lasting two hours via Zoom.The meetings kicked off on the first of June and each month a report will be issued highlighting some of the key points and resources from the monthly meetings.Click here to access June's report....

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Agritourism Sector Praises Scottish Enterprise Monitor Farm Programme

The Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme (SEAMFP) has announced the results from year one of the project. Citing the achievements as: stimulating significant progress within the sector, helping farm businesses to develop their agritourism offering throughout Scotland, and contributing to the voice of, and economic contribution from, the agritourism sector both regionally and nationally.Launched in January 2019, the three-year programme has already developed a core network of businesses from across Scotland, with people attending the meetings from as far north as Forres in Morayshire, right down to the Scottish Borders, with some meetings also seeing individuals travel from the Isle of Mull and Islay.Stuart & Jo McNicol, who were selected as the East Central Monitor Farmers opened DRIFT, a café built from upcycled shipping containers on a cliff on...

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Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme Year 1 Report

Click here to access the year one report, produced by the Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme.This annual report captures the outputs of the Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme and impacts to date in its first year, giving an overview of the 12 monitor farm meetings which have taken place in the first year, the progress the monitor farmers have made and the development and achievements of the core community group....

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West Central Meeting Six Report – Effective Storytelling

Click here to access the sixth West Central Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meeting report, which took place on Tuesday 10th March 2020.The meeting, which focused on effective storytelling included guest speaker Stuart Delves - a writer and storytelling trainer, who gave support and advice to the 37 attendees on how to develop critical skills and confidence in this area.LEAF Open Farm Sunday’s Scottish Coordinator, Rebecca Dawes joined the meeting to discuss how to get involved with the 2020 event on Sunday 20th September*. West Central Community Group member Shona Duncan spoke alongside Rebecca, about her family’s experience of opening for Open Farm Sunday for the first time in 2019.*Please note change of date from what is detailed in the report due to COVID-19....

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East Central Meeting Report – What do Banks think of Lending to the Agritourism Sector?

Click here to access the meeting report from the sixth East Central meeting of the three-year Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme, which took place on Wednesday 5th February 2020.The meeting focused on the topic of lending, and heard the views of three different bank managers on the following areas;Lending to the agritourism sector; What has worked well in agritourism projects they have funded; What agritourism businesses need to do to raise £1 million.Guest speakers for the evening were;Stephen Buchan and Stuart Tait from Clydesdale Bank Russell Pinkerton and Stuart Kenny from Royal Bank of Scotland Sarah Tyson form Bell Ingram representing the Agricultural Mortgage Company (AMC) ...

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West Central Meeting Five Report – How to run a Happy Family Business & Plan for Successful Succession

Click here to access the fifth West Central Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meeting report, which took place on Wednesday 15th January 2020.The meeting, which focused on succession, included speakers; Sian Bushell, a Family Business and Succession Expert and Linda Tinson from Ledingham Chalmers, who is a legal expert in structuring family business and succession. Duncan McConchie and his father Kerr, the Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farmers from the 2014/15 programme, were also speakers at the event.[embed][/embed][embed][/embed][embed][/embed]...

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