

East Central Meeting Four Report – Making the Correct Website Investment

Click here to access the fifth and final East Central Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meeting report of 2019, which took place on Wednesday 11th December 2019. The meeting focused on the theme ‘making the correct website investment’, highlighting areas such as costs, timescale, suppliers and why it is important for a business to have a website. Guest speaker for the day was Lesley Wood from LMW Consulting, who has over 20 years’ experience in digital projects and marketing consultancy. You can view the live videos recorded at the meeting on 11th December below. [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed]...

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Meet Our Community Groups

As part of the Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme, two community groups have been established to help build strong relationships and allow for likeminded people to share ideas and develop their agritourism businesses.   Over the course of the programme we will catch up with individuals from each of the community groups to find out about their businesses and why they have got involved in the Scottish Agritourism Monitor Farm Programme.Watch the full videos from some of our Community Group businesses. Byres Farm Portnellan Farm Jackson's at Jedburgh Duncan Family Farms Carfrae Farm ...

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West Central Meeting Four Report – Business Boot Camp

Click here to access the fourth and final West Central Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm meeting report of 2019, which took place on Friday 1st November 2019. The all-day meeting focused on the theme ‘BUSINESS BOOT CAMP” and  followed a slightly different format in comparison to previous meetings, with the aim to provide a confidential and supportive environment for business owners to share challenges, find solutions and to share and discuss new business ideas. The meeting was held with Chatham House Rules which ensured that any outputs from the meeting are either not attributed to a particular business and/or have not been shared out with the group....

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Full Videos from East Central Meeting – Food Tourism, What is Local? (1st October 2019)

Guest speaker for the day was Sandra Reid from Fare Consulting. Sandra has over 15 years consultancy experience and offers business support in food service, accommodation, retail and events. The meeting covered four main areas including;- What’s is local?- Supplying your own farm produce to guests- Environmental health requirements for serving food and drink East Central Monitor Farmers Stuart and Jo McNicol also discussed their experiences with using local produce through the café at DRIFT., highlighting some of the challenges they have faced along the way.   Prior to the meeting Sandra met with East Central Monitor Farmers Stuart and Jo to discuss some of the local produce they use in the DRIFT. They focused on six main ingredients and looked at where they currently get the supply from, highlighting the pros and cons they...

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East Central Meeting Four Report – Food Tourism, What is Local?

Click here to access the full meeting report from the fourth East Central meeting, which took place on Tuesday 1st October 2019. The meeting focused on the theme ‘Food Tourism – What is local?’, highlighting areas such as costs, benefits, logistics and the impact on a business that sources and provides local produce. 29 individuals from farming/agritourism enterprises attended the event from all over Scotland with people travelling from as far north as Aberdeenshire and as far south as Dumfries. Guest speaker for the day was Sandra Reid from Fare Consulting. Sandra has over 15 years consultancy experience and offers business support in food service, accommodation, retail and events....

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West Central Meeting Three Report – Making Money from Farm Tours

Click here to access the full meeting report from the third West Central meeting which took place on Thursday 5th September 2019. The all-day meeting focused on the theme ‘making money from farm tours’ and was held at Bellfield Brewery, Edinburgh, the venue giving access to several high-quality speakers based within the city. 49 individuals from farming/agritourism enterprises attended the event from all over Scotland with people travelling from as far north as Morayshire and as far south as Dumfries....

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Full Videos from West Central Meeting – Thursday 5th September 2019

Get access to the full talk from each guest speaker at the West Central Monitor Farm meeting on Thursday 5th September, where the meeting theme focused on making money from farm tours. ...

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Putting ‘Agri’ into Agritourism at DRIFT. & Castleton Events

We caught up with Stuart & Jo McNicol at the East Central Monitor Farm meeting on 8th August to find out what they were hoping to gain from the meeting, which focused on putting the 'Agri' into an Agritourism Business. Stuart and Jo are currently looking at ways to develop a stronger connection between the farm which is cereals based and their two diversification businesses; DRFIT. and Castleton Events....

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Lennox Branding Update

During the second West Central Agritourism Monitor Farm meeting on 26th June 2019, Lesley Wood from LMW Consulting gave feedback to attendees on the workshop that she carried out with the Lennox family. The workshop looked at branding all the enterprises that the Lennox's run within on brand, including creating a new brand name and logo. A copy of the brand questionnaire the Lennox family carried out with the progress they have made on developing the brand is available to view via the West Central meeting two report....

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LMW Consulting presentation on how to successfully brand your business

On Wednesday 26th June Lesley Wood from LMW Consulting attended the West Central Agritourism Monitor Farm Meeting to talk to attendees about how to successfully brand a business. The following video is PART 1 of Lesley's presentation she gave on the 26th June. Please see part 2 and part 3 for the remaining parts of the presentation on the following links; Part 2 Part 3...

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